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About Me

Shane Dover

Tumwater, WA

Physical Education Teacher: Michael T. Simmons Elementary

Assistant Basketball Coach: Black Hills High School

College: Central Washington University  

Bachelor: Physical Education and Health 2010

Masters: Athletic Administration Spring 2019

Best serving our youth and adolescents is a daily conversation for me, as I teach elementary physical education, coach high school basketball as well as being a current athletic administration graduate student at Central Washington University. I teach over 600 students and my students only receive 40 minutes of physical education each week, so I know firsthand that my students need to find opportunities to supplement my efforts in class and my situation is not unique.  I greatly believe in the benefits of physical activity and organized sports for our youth but more importantly, the research supports it as well.  Every child is different and each will have a differing path in their development with physical activity.  I am here to try and best serve the families of my community and beyond, through physical activity.  Not only to best serve our youth at the moment but to create positive habits that will last a lifetime.  Kids Need Balance website is created to help inform and educate families so our youth can reap the benefits of physical activity and organized sport. 


-Shane Dover-


Sunrise atop Mt. Haleakala Maui, Hawaii

"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you're saying"

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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